Hi, Welcome to My Blog!
const person = {
name: "Rio Chandra";
const blog = {
ownedBy: person;
sayHi: (guest) => guest.sendMessage("Hi, welcome to my blog"),
openHomepage: () => { // @TODO: Add homepage please, by @rio }

About me
A software engineer who loves to write and share his thoughts. Full-stack developer, tech enthusiast, and lifelong learner.
My Post
Ollama: Full Tutorial Membuat Agen AI Offline
GPG Encryption Snippet
Kunci Data Sensitif Menggunakan AGE Encryption
SOPS: How to Secure Your Config File
Implementation Authentication in ExpressJS V4.x Using JWT
NestJS: Google OAuth2 Authentication with Passport
Responsive Image Web Browser
Mungkin Kamu Tidak Butuh Nextjs, Kenapa?
Less is More Stack
Got questions or Project With Me?
Feel free to reach out.