SOPS: How to Secure Your Config File


ENV is a very important part of any application. It is used to store sensitive information in it, like credential, secret key, configuration, and other thing that we put inside it.

Usually env used at application along with other file in the root folder. It SHOULD NEVER put in git history even your repository is private in github or gitlab.

Where to Store ENV

We will use it in server or application configuration on the cloud. If you have budget you can store it at

They have great API and security to store and fetch the key. Those env key should be encrypted to securely store them.

You can do manually by encrypt the file env send them into server, then decrypt inside your server. There is several method to do that. We will use SOPS to encrypt and decrypt them. After encryption you can include encrypted file inside your git history. This is not a problem

What is SOPS

SOPS (Secrets OPerationS) is an editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, age, and PGP. – SOPS Repository

SOPS is a tool that help us to encrypt file key (YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY). The key point of this tool is it ONLY encrypt the KEY value only. See their demo here

Ok, lets do this


If you have brew inside your OS, install using this command

brew install sops

If you using another OS, see SOPS Release Page

Encrypt using GPG

SOPS support many of encryption method like GPG, age, GCP KMS, AWS KMS. We will use GPG for our testing.

Create GPG Key

If you do not have gpg in your system, please install it first

$ brew install gnupg

# Or in linux enviroment
$ sudo apt install gnupg

See GnuPG if you have problem of installation.

Create your key using this command, gpg will ask your email but it not require validation, just remember it for the next step.

gpg --full-generate-key

Fill each form and then press enter.

Get your Public Key GPG

Get your public key using command gpg --list-keys

$ gpg --list-keys
pub   rsa2048 2024-02-26 [SC]
uid           [ultimate] Rio Chandra <>
uid           [ultimate] [jpeg image of size 5231]
sub   rsa2048 2024-02-26 [E]
sub   dsa2048 2024-02-27 [S]

The E9FA8C3C96FE003FF38FD7552459B2802BA5CDBF is my public key, it should under pub line.

Create SOPS Configuration

.sops.yaml is file configuration public key for SOPS. Create new file inside your project with name .sops.yaml with following content:

    - pgp: >-

if you have many of public keys, for example first is your key and second is your server’s key, put comma at the end of line public key

# Using multiple key pgp
    - pgp: >-

Lets encrypt it

For example, your .env file looks like this:


Encrypt file .env using sops and save it into enc.env file, you can change the name of the file.

Note: SOPS detect file format! we keep the *.env format at the end of file.

sops -e .env > enc.env

You will see enc.env generated like this:

sops_pgp__list_0__map_enc=-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\nhQEMAwmb.........E7XnSOUw4HFYQ==\n=B0hJ\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----

All values are encrypted, only key visible. This make SOPS special, it left the key unencrypted so we know what data inside them without knowing sensitive data.

Decrypt now

Decrypt file enc.env using this command

$ sops -d enc.env > .env

# Or
$ sops enc.env > .env

You can run this command inside your server to install into your application


Is there any alternative for this? yes, there is git-crypt. It will encrypt the whole repository and decrypt the files when pulling. This alternative is good if you consider to use different repostiory to store env or configuration file.

When NOT use SOPS

Simple application may not require this but still you SHOULD NOT put env or configuration file inside your git repository, maybe you have other method to transfer env configuration from your local to your server. Copy and paste key is the fastest way to setup configuration file into application.


Configure, share and manage env configuration always become tedious work. Share to other developer also always have risk the key maybe leak. Send sensitive data on internet always makes system insecure. Asymmetric Encryption is a good way to keep data sensitive hide inside public internet, encryption using public key and decryption using secret key. SOPS using this method to secure the configuration file. You can read full information about SOPS on their repository.

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