• Update: Migrate CMS from Hugo to WordPress


    My blog created using gohugo which is very fast and instant build hundred of markdown file into html, so I can host for free at Cloudflare Pages. But, I found some problem while working on this blog that makes me migrate to WordPress. Update and create blog should update to file markdown directly and compile…

  • 5 Online Resources Every Web Developer Should Read

    Change happen every day, it’s hard to keep up with changes and finding reliable sources is difficulty we experience as web developer. I will breakdown list of resource that I use regularly Here is outline of this post, feel free to jump one into another List Resources 1. MDN MDN is a reliable resource owned…

  • Running Vite React TypeScript with Deno

    Update 20 october 2024 Deno 2.0 have been release!, it Backwards-compatible!. I have test to run my vite project and nestjs project, it work perfectly but with small adjustment of tailwind configuration, overall it work as expected!, I thinks this article is not related anymore. Thank you for your time and visit my other post.…

  • Phishing: Teknik Hacker Mengambil Akses Akun Anda

    Phishing adalah teknik Social engineering untuk mendapatkan akses atau informasi penting dari korban. Bentuk dari Phishing bisa berupa website, email, hingga telepon yang meminta anda untuk mengisi data sensitif seperti email, nomor hp hingga password. Phishing memiliki beberapa karakteristik yaitu: Phishing biasanya memiliki form seperti: Data tersebut akan tersimpan di database hacker yang kemudian digunakan…

  • Effective and Simple Logging in NestJS Using Pino Logger

    What is logging? Logging is information in Programming to trace some behaviour inside our software. In computing, logging is the act of keeping a log of events that occur in a computer system, such as problems, errors or just information on current operations (Wikipedia) Why this is important?, I remember when I got feedback from…

  • GPG Encryption Snippet

    Generate pair of key List keys Export public key You can use tab to see available key Only share this key to others Export secret key DO NOT SHARE THIS SECRET KEY What is –armor ? Armor will generate to ascii format instead binary format. Binary format can’t open by text editor and can’t easily…

  • Kunci Data Sensitif Menggunakan AGE Encryption

    Age adalah tools untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi data yang simple dan modern. Dibanding menggunakan GPG (Gnupg) yang cukup rumit dan tidak ramah bagi pengguna baru, age memiliki perintah yang mudah digunakan bahkan bagi pengguna baru. Enkripsi penting dilakukan di era modern ini, begitu banyak data yang dibagikan di internet. Jika data yang kamu kirimkan cukup…

  • SOPS: How to Secure Your Config File

    ENV is a very important part of any application. It is used to store sensitive information in it, like credential, secret key, configuration, and other thing that we put inside it. Usually env used at application along with other file in the root folder. It SHOULD NEVER put in git history even your repository is…