Systemd: Effective Deploy Nodejs on Linux
nearly every Linux distribution comes with systemd, which means forever, monit, PM2, etc. are no longer necessary - your OS already handles these tasks. - Mikemaccana, stackoverflow answer
Mungkin Kamu Tidak Butuh Nextjs, Kenapa?
Membuat produk atau jadi budak Kerangka Kerja (framework) ?
Sudah banyak aplikasi dan website sudah ku buat, kebanyakan menggunakan framework Nextjs . Framework frontend ini sangat mudah digunakan, tetapi banyak fitur yang tidak digunakan yang akhirnya membuat aplikasi menjadi besar (dalam segi ukuran file) dan lambat saat load data.
Highlights of Week 38, 2024
This week I learn so much, especially about Preact and Vite. Recheck my blog and I found out that RSS is good thing, and we can use RSS Feeder tool to download latest content of website, I use FeedBro in Mozilla.
Implementation Authentication in ExpressJS V4.x Using JWT
ExpressJs is a tools in nodejs to create server side application, it’s very popular and have a lot of feature to create web application.