Category: Archive

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  • Running Vite React TypeScript with Deno

    Update 20 october 2024 Deno 2.0 have been release!, it Backwards-compatible!. I have test to run my vite project and nestjs project, it work perfectly but…

    Running Vite React TypeScript with Deno
  • Phishing: Teknik Hacker Mengambil Akses Akun Anda

    Phishing adalah teknik Social engineering untuk mendapatkan akses atau informasi penting dari korban. Bentuk dari Phishing bisa berupa website, email, hingga telepon yang meminta anda untuk…

  • Effective and Simple Logging in NestJS Using Pino Logger

    What is logging? Logging is information in Programming to trace some behaviour inside our software. In computing, logging is the act of keeping a log of…

    Effective and Simple Logging in NestJS Using Pino Logger
  • GPG Encryption Snippet

    Generate pair of key List keys Export public key You can use tab to see available key Only share this key to others Export secret key…

    GPG Encryption Snippet
  • Kunci Data Sensitif Menggunakan AGE Encryption

    Age adalah tools untuk enkripsi dan dekripsi data yang simple dan modern. Dibanding menggunakan GPG (Gnupg) yang cukup rumit dan tidak ramah bagi pengguna baru, age…

    Kunci Data Sensitif Menggunakan AGE Encryption
  • SOPS: How to Secure Your Config File

    ENV is a very important part of any application. It is used to store sensitive information in it, like credential, secret key, configuration, and other thing…

    SOPS: How to Secure Your Config File
  • Implementation Authentication in ExpressJS V4.x Using JWT

    ExpressJs is a tools in nodejs to create server side application, it’s very popular and have a lot of feature to create web application. Authentication is…

  • NestJS: Google OAuth2 Authentication with Passport

    Overview We will create project Nestjs using authentication with library passportjs, we will use OAuth strategy for this project. NestJs Nestjs is a framework for building…

    NestJS: Google OAuth2 Authentication with Passport